26 December 2018--Boxing Day

Yesterday, we tore through 540,000 tonnes of wrapping paper, according to Zero Waste Canada.
Filling the gap between Ford and Lincoln, Mercury cars and trucks were built from1938 to 2011.
Fabric softener dryer sheets were patented 49 years ago. 
This is Thanksgiving Day for 600,000 folks in the Solomon Islands.
It takes 8,600 bolts to assemble a Buick but only one nut to scatter it across the Trans-Canada. 

The modern farm barn layout has been with us since the 12th Century. 
History’s earliest EMS delivery is The Good Samaritan, as chronicled by Gospel writer, Luke.
In 1834, the standard 52-card deck of playing cards was universally adopted. 
Save the date! There are only 364 days until Christmas.
Don’t take down your Christmas lights, they’ll look so attractive on next year’s Jack-‘O-Lantern. 

Liam and Ava were the most popular baby names printed on SIN cards in 2018.
A traditionally French game, poker bowed to Americans in 1803, after the Louisiana Purchase.
Trendsetters predict the most popular gift under next year’s Yule trees will be drones.
Born in 1893 and deceased in 1976, this is  Mao Tse-Tung’s birthday. 
My neighbour says he would kill for a Nobel Peace Prize. 

Hat sizes are determined by measuring one’s head one centimetre above the ears. 
Motor, sensory, autonomic and cranial are the four types of human nerves. 
The average incontinent senior will budget $100 to $135 a month on adult briefs.
Today in 1935, folks in Saskatchewan celebrated Boxing Day as a legal holiday, for the first time.
Pampered cows give spoilt milk.
Food for Thought: Our differences…are not detriment or a danger; they are a source of richness. ~Pope Francis


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