24 January 2019

Frigidaire introduced icemakers that dispensed from the front of the freezer door in 1965.
The age of majority in Iran is 15.
5.3.% of Canadians hold down two jobs.
General Mills has paid stockholder dividends every year since it was incorporated in 1928.
Many older Swedes are identified as being alone and lonely; Docs say they are ice-olated.

From St. John’s to Victoria, 420,000 transports haul commercial freight across the nation.
Yellow is the brightest colour to the human eye.
Currently, 23 nations use the Euro, including San Marino, Andorra and Vatican City. 
The Canadian Better Business Bureau says the average cost of a wedding is $30,717.
It is prudent to put something away for a rainy day, like an umbrella. 

If a Brexit referendum were held now, 56% of Britons would vote to remain in the EU.
 An ‘eyot’ is the correct term for an island found within a river or lake. 
After 48 years of pumping gas, Supertest was sold to BP in 1971.
The earliest form of education was story-telling. 
The Allied forces plan to divide Iraq into three regions: Leaded, Unleaded and Diesel. 

In many cultures it is considered bad luck to use scissors on New Year’s Day.
Police in Liechtenstein survey the Principality in a fleet of Land Rovers.
The patron saint of actors is St. Genesius. 
Nearly 90% of us use the Internet and 86% of us have Internet connections in our homes.
My neighbour entered the Scissors of the Year competition but he didn’t make the cut.

Food for Thought: The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society. ~Mark Skousen


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