26 January 2019

Blueberries are the nation’s largest fruit crop.
Recycling a single aluminum can equals the energy to operate a TV for three hours. 
Ford has built vehicles in Mexico since 1925.
Today in 1924, Parliament made the Red Ensign our official flag. 
My neighbour gave up his seat to a blind person on the bus. That’s why he got fired as a bus driver. 

Capers are rich in fibre and Vitamin C.
Scientists first observed the polar vortex in 1853. 
Sugar rationing began today in 1942;  375 millilitres was the max per person, per week.
Wikipedia contains more than 5.1 million entries. 
Folks who want sweet dreams place sugar under their pillows. 

Adermatoglyphics are born without fingerprints.
Global TV began broadcasting today in 1974. 
Saturday’s child works hard for a living. 
The Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported the average income in 1935 was $313 annually.
Radio is theatre of the mind; television is the theatre of the mindless. ~Steve Allen

Top five highest car insurance countries: the US, Austria, Germany, the UK and Australia. 
A Montréal by-law requires dogs to know at least 85 commands in both Official Languages.
We have been sticking fridge magnets on our Danbys since the 1960s. 
Its first store was in Matane, QC in 1992; Dollarama runs 1,095 stores in all ten provinces. 
The best way to save money on car insurance is not to buy any. 

Food for Thought: A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. ~Margaret Mead


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