29 April 2019
Today in 1770, Captain James Cook and crew docked in Botany Bay, Australia.
Tin does not corrode in water.
The western end of Northumberland Strait has only one tide a day.
Ford is the world’s largest family-owned business.
The new speed limit is 60kph—Fords, just do the best you can.
The world’s first teddy bear museum opened in England in 1984.
Mondays, crew on the HMS Endeavour ate 8 oz. of butter, 10 oz. of cheese and all the porridge or boiled wheat they wanted.
Today in 1903, a 30 million cubic-metre landslide killed 70 people in Frank, Alberta.
The proper depth of a bird bath is three to nine centimetres.
Scientists have successfully crossed a pig with a teddy bear; the result is a teddy boar.
Cook’s HMS Endeavour carried 94 people: 71 ship’s company, 12 marines and 11 civilians.
From St. John’s to Victoria we have more than 1,700 YMCAs.
Since 1905, Vick’s VapoRub has been used to treat mosquito bites.
200 grams of kangaroo meat provides 44 grams of protein and two grams of fat.
Pushing 70 is exercise enough.
Bahamians, Bajans, Bermudians and Trinidadians all can watch the CBC on cable.
Injera, the national dish of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia, are made of teff flour and water.
The first reference to pasta—in a book—was the year 1154.
William and Anne Shakespeare had three kids; Susanna--then twins Hamnet and Judith.
Next time you wave, use all of your fingers.
Food for Thought: In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. ~George Orwell.
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