30 May 2019

Today in 1991, StatsCan reported that 10.2% of us were on pogey and looking for work. Cows that graze on lespedeza give considerably less milk. Gallup conducts polls in 160 nations—98% of the world’s population. Invented in France, the first bicycle rolled out the door in 1791. I have some puns about unemployment but none of them work. 28% of us play keyboard instruments, the nation’s most popular. A strawberry typically has around 200 seeds. Frozen carbon dioxide, a.k.a. dry ice, can’t melt. Today in 1913, Albania became a sovereign nation. Prodigy: A child who plays piano when he ought to be in bed. We address the mayor as Your Worship to show honour to our duly-elected First Citizen. Ground clearance on a WWII Jeep is 222.25 millimetres. Composed of densely packed hexagonal prismatic cells, bees live in honeycombs. Today in 1975, the European Space Agency was established. Bees designated to protect the queen of...