26 July 2019

Iceland's coat of arms features a dragon. 
Anteaters have no teeth. 
Today in 1758, General Amherst captured Fortress Louisbourg, after a seven-week siege.
In 2017, a total of 54 murders were committed in Denmark.
When ants reach a hundred years in age, they become antiques. 

Oil is the agent of cohesion in cookies.
Professional singers rarely snore.
The Canadian Revenue Agency  has five tax brackets.
Spoken by two million people and observed worldwide, this is Esperanto Day.
My neighbour speaks Esperanto like a native.

The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul boasts more than 4,000 vendors.
Ants will feast on fleas.
In order, golf, hockey and swimming are the most popular sports in this country. 
France annexed Tahiti on this date in 1891.
The customer is always ripe.

Michelin began to award restaurant stars in 1926.
Waterbeds account for less than 5% of new bed sales. 
It's easier to work with, when you stash Saran Wrap in the fridge.
The population of Nuuk, Greenland is 17,984. 
One cannot wake a person who pretends to be asleep. ~Navajo proverb

Food for Thought: You don't need a silver fork to eat good food. ~Paul Prudhomme


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