29 July 2019

The dried seeds of the cilantro plant is coriander.
Today in 1981, Prince Charles wed Lady Diana Spencer.
Sun bears do not hibernate.
We have 14 oil refineries. Atlantic Canada and Québec have the largest capacities.
Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy. 

The word 'Arctic' comes from Greek, meaning 'near the bear'. 
Saint Vitus is the patron saint of dancers and epileptics.
Today in 1836, l'Arc de Triomphe was dedicated in Paris.
The violin's bow is wound with horsehair. 
Marriage is like playing the violin--it looks easy until you try it.

The domestic hog industry is worth $3.9 billion.
Frankenstein's monster is vegetarian, eating only acorns and berries.
The Salt Lake Temple is designed in the Neo-Gothic style.
30 countries have nuclear power reactors. 
Scientists crossed a pig with a centipede and got bacon and legs.

VIA Rail employs 3,207 staff. 
175 mls of wheat germ packs 15.1% of protein. 
Birth control pills are over-the-counter meds in Guatemala and Pakistan. 
The best selling vehicle in Venezuela is the Toyota Hilux. 
Birth control: Evasion of the issue.

Food for Thought: Canada is not a melting pot in which the individuality of each element is destroyed in order to produce a new and totally different element. It is rather a garden into which have been transplanted the hardiest and brightest flowers from many lands, each retaining in its new environment the best of the qualities for which it was loved and prized in its native land. ~John Diefenbaker


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