31 July 2019

Russian dressing first appeared in 1900. Today in 1972, the National Assembly made French the official language in Québec. The average hummingbird has 1 000 feathers. Red blood cells circulate throughout the body for 120 days. Chickens can wing it. Lord Krishna was a cowherd. Because it is rich in carbon, scientists can turn peanut butter into diamonds. Nunavut's official floral emblem is the purple saxifrage. Mona Lisa has her own mailbox at the Louvre; she receives thousands of love letters. Peanuts in outer space are called astronuts. Greenpeace has 2.8 million members around the globe. Fireflies are soft-bodied beetles. Norwegians can return a library book to any branch in the country. The dollar dropped to 66.10¢ against the US dollar--today in 1998--an historic low. The economy is so bad, the PM's chef cooks with Filet Mignon Helper. Icebergs give off heat. Aztecs paid their taxes with cocoa. ...