31 October 2018

Today is All Hallow’s Eve. Onions are 97% water. Sponges do not have organs. Today in 1952, the Stratford Shakespearean Festival was incorporated. My neighbours dressed up as almonds for Hallowe’en—I always knew they were nuts. Had the Allies had to drop a third bomb on Japan in 1945, the intended target was Tokyo. There are three main branches of science. Forced to abdicate in 476, Romulus Augustulus was Rome’s last Caesar. Phobos and Deimos are the two moons that orbit Mars. The scariest Hallowe’en costume of all is to dress as a cellphone battery about to die. Americans spend $6 billion on Hallowe’en, the year's second most commercial holiday. St. Matthew is the patron saint of accountants and bookkeepers. Using a slingshot in a Canadian National Park is illegal. Oxygen is a pale blue colour in its liquid and solid states. Hallowe’en was once the most frightening day of the year—now it’s election night. ...