
Showing posts from January, 2019

31 January 2019

Meyer, Eureka and Lisbon are the three most common types of lemons.  Hansel and Gretel were kidnapped by the wicked witch in 1812.  The Federal Government is made up of 36 ministers—17 women and 18 men—and the PM.  The word ‘clove’ comes from the French word clou’, meaning nail.  The best thing to put into a gingerbread house is one’s teeth. Muslims, Christians, Hundus and Buddhists are the four major religions in Bahrain.  Four of the fifty United States are chartered as Commonwealths.  Adult dogs have 42 teeth.  From St. John’s to Victoria, 50% of us prefer Coca-Cola, while Pepsi drinkers number 37.6% Infidel: Someone who hates Christianity in Kamloops—and one who is a Christian in Riyadh. More than 350 million of the colourful Rubik’s Cubes have been sold since 1980. The lower the sun, the higher the rainbow in the sky. The most desirable skill for Canadian engineers is autoCAD; Number Six is bilingualis...

29 January 2019

A single grape has 3 calories.  There are seven kinds of fire trucks.  Kansas was admitted to the Union as the 34th of the United States, today in 1861. 82% of Canadians eat breakfast at home.  Firefighters suffer greatly from burnout.  At 32 kilometres in length, the Onyx River is the longest river in Antarctica.  McGill University opened on this date in 1829. Norwegians pay 30,000 Kroner for a driver’s permit—USD$3,675. On average, three balsa trees will be found in a hectare of jungle.  Read the fine print for an education, gain experience when you don't.  Nunavut and Prince Edward Island have no railways.  Bleach has no effect on wool or silk.  81% of all e-mails are spam. There are 50 days until spring arrives in the Northern Hemisphere. For deciduous trees, spring is a great re-leaf.  The top ten snowiest places in Canada are found in BC. Today in 1886 Karl Benz received a p...

27 January 2019

The hurdy-gurdy first appeared in the Eleventh Century. 52% of canned tuna is used in sandwiches. It was in 1813 that Peter Piper began to pick his peck of pickled peppers.  Eastman Kodak employs 8,000 people; last year it reported revenue of USD$2 billion.  My neighbour has a penchant for violence; he always wants club sandwiches.  Today in 1916, Manitoba became the first province to grant women the vote. Common seals do not have ears. The Berlin Wall--140 kilometres long--protected East Germans from western Fascism. In 1975, the ‘must have’ collectable was the Pet Rock; at USD$4; 1.75 million were sold.  A lost sock in the dryer comes back as a Tupperware lid that won't fit any of your containers. The most common name for dogs in Germany is Adler. Cauliflower heads are packed with round or spiky curds. Least valuable currencies: Iranian Rial, the Vietnamese Dong and the Sāo Toméan Dobra.   Education for Old Order...

26 January 2019

Blueberries are the nation’s largest fruit crop. Recycling a single aluminum can equals the energy to operate a TV for three hours.  Ford has built vehicles in Mexico since 1925. Today in 1924, Parliament made the Red Ensign our official flag.  My neighbour gave up his seat to a blind person on the bus. That’s why he got fired as a bus driver.  Capers are rich in fibre and Vitamin C. Scientists first observed the polar vortex in 1853.  Sugar rationing began today in 1942;  375 millilitres was the max per person, per week. Wikipedia contains more than 5.1 million entries.  Folks who want sweet dreams place sugar under their pillows.  Adermatoglyphics are born without fingerprints. Global TV began broadcasting today in 1974.  Saturday’s child works hard for a living.  The Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported the average income in 1935 was $313 annually. Radio is theatre of the mind; television is the th...

25 January 2019

The machine that preps wood fibres for papermaking is called the Hollander beater. The most littered plastic item on Earth is the plastic filter found in cigarette butts.  Half a million of us are Snowbirds.  The cedar tree is an evergreen.  Don’t litter: It’s called a garbage can—not a garbage cannot.  British Columbia is home to 16 universities—five are private.  Chickadees hide food for wintertime meals; they remember where each seed was cached. 95% of textiles are recyclable. Somewhere on the globe,GM dealers sell a Chev every 8.33 seconds.  The world’s worst thesaurus is not only awful, it’s awful. The blade, the guard, the hilt and the pommel are the four parts of sword. Doteri guksu  is a Korean noodle made from ground acorns.  The Jolly Green Giant turns 93 this year.  In the 1930s, the coin-operated typewriter was invented in Sweden. I’m sorry but apologies are really Canadian conversatio...

24 January 2019

Frigidaire introduced icemakers that dispensed from the front of the freezer door in 1965. The age of majority in Iran is 15. 5.3.% of Canadians hold down two jobs. General Mills has paid stockholder dividends every year since it was incorporated in 1928. Many older Swedes are identified as being alone and lonely; Docs say they are ice-olated. From St. John’s to Victoria, 420,000 transports haul commercial freight across the nation. Yellow is the brightest colour to the human eye. Currently, 23 nations use the Euro, including San Marino, Andorra and Vatican City.  The Canadian Better Business Bureau says the average cost of a wedding is $30,717. It is prudent to put something away for a rainy day, like an umbrella.  If a Brexit referendum were held now, 56% of Britons would vote to remain in the EU.  An ‘eyot’ is the correct term for an island found within a river or lake.  After 48 years of pumping gas, Supertest was sold to B...

23 January 2019

IKEA in France employs 10,184 people in its 34 stores. Butterflies can be frozen for up to a year, thawed and refrozen. Ancient Greeks used bread as serviettes to wipe their hands during meals. With six food groups, our first food guide, Canada’s Official Food Rules appeared in 1942. Never eat more than you can lift. ~Miss Piggy At last count, 104,680 people served as UN Peacekeepers.  The first wave of Dutch immigration was in the 1700s, refugees fleeing here from 13 rebellious colonies. Chev's Corvette is built in Bowling Green, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, USA.  Ever so delicate, chiffon must be sewn with double French seams and hand washed. Walmart sells border fencing. The Lincoln Navigator is the world’s most popular limousine.  Born in 1955, Kermit the Frog is a leftie.  An Albertan plumber earns $78,000 a year; the same plumber on PEI earns $37,538.  Cannabis consumption is legal in 21 countries. When pl...

20 January 2019

Folks who experience mogigraphia have writer’s cramp. Today in 1961, John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the youngest president of the Unite States. A starfruit contains 4% sugar.  Five of our nine Supreme Court Justices are women. No one alive right now has ever died.  As observed throughout North America, January is National Porridge Month.  850,000 low-income Canadians turn to food banks every month.  We blink between 15 to 20 times a minute.  Edward VIII began his reign over the United Kingdom, its Commonwealths and Realms.  My neighbour stole food while sitting on the shoulders of two vampires. He was charged with shoplifting on two counts. Turtles see a colour that humans can not fathom. As a rule of thumb, the smaller the pepper, the hotter.  1.2 million barrels of kerosene are consumed around the world daily.  The most common surname in El Salvador is Hernández. It’s ironic that the man who inv...

14 January 2019

The Halifax Morning Herald  marks 144 years today; it merged with The Chronicle in 1949. Knees are the largest and most complex joints in the body. The satellite Sputnik weighed in at 3.1 tonnes. Played the world over, the rules for Hop Scotch were first recorded in 1635.  Plywood experts have nailed the sheets down into seven categories.  When the gingerbread person twisted a knee, the doctor suggested icing it.  The snowdrop is January’s official birth flower. On this date in 1976, Eaton’s issued its final catalogue, after 92 years of publication. The three main parts of a harp include the neck, the sound box and the strings. Icelanders read more books than folks in any other nation.  Remember: In the event of fire, it’s pants before shoes. The mid-sized category of newspapers is called a ‘Berliner’; the next size up is ‘broadsheet’.  Balkan, Swiss and Greek are the three types of yogourt.  Swift Curr...